Style 95in’ with Brandon Phillips
Brandon recently got his Style 95s mounted up and fitted and they turned out pretty nice. This is a wheel we’ve seen time and time again on this platform and we don’t anticipate we’ll stop seeing it any time soon. They have pretty decent specs and they’re great looking wheels. Make sure to follow Brandon and his build on Instagram at @bfeels.low. Shout out to Ben Whiles for the amazing photography; make sure to follow him on Instagram over at @bennywhiles.
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Cruisin’ with Vivek Patel
Vivek Patel had some nice rolling shots taken that he sent into us. Make sure to follow him on Instagram at @vii_vekk. Make sure to follow @thedefinedlifestyle on Instagram and check out his Facebook page for more killer photography!
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ATL Accords at All Team Bash
Some of the ATL Accord squad showed up at All Team Bash a few weeks ago and had a nice showing of 8th gens, both coupes and sedans. Check them out!
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Huy Duong’s 2008 LX-P I4 Sedan
Unfortunately the original owner of this vehicle has sold it, so let’s consider this as more of a tribute post. This sedan is one of the truly original people involved in the 8th generation Accord scene. From humble beginnings this was his first car. He took his time and did his research and refused to take shortcuts with low quality parts. Our Accord of the Month for March is Huy Duong’s 2008 Nighthawk Black Pearl LX-P I4 sedan.
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Wild Static Fitment with Jake Hamby
As the platform becomes cheaper and cheaper, we are seeing new faces starting to modify the car and this one certainly caught a lot of attention. Jake’s running one of the most aggressive wheels setups (in both width and offset) that we’ve seen yet. We know camber isn’t for everyone, but the suspension work needed to accomplish this look usually get underestimated.
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California Dreamin’ with Marcus Wilson
When you think of the SEMA expo you don’t often think of customized Accords, but Marcus Wilson was able to get his sedan in the expo. With his color shift wrap job and custom Infiniti IPL front bumper fuse. This car has lots of other dope details so make sure to check Marcus and his sedan out on Instagram at @calicoalitioncarclub. All photography credit goes to Simply Fresh; make sure to check them out on Instagram at @simplyfreshfitment.
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