Arlene’s 2009 LX-S I4 Coupe
The Accord of the Month series is back with another impressive coupe to display. This coupe has been in the Accord community for a little while now. It’s been through a color change, so there are some out there that may not recognize it. We think the custom Matte Pearl White paint was a welcome change and makes this coupe stand out from the factory white options. This month’s Accord of the Month is Arlene’s 2009 LX-S I4 coupe. A super clean car that shows (much like April’s Accord of the Month) that women can build and drive clean, low cars too!
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Brian Ruff’s 2011 LX-S I4 Coupe
After showing love to the sedans for both January and February, we had to get a coupe in as the Accord of the Month. Anybody who has followed the Accord scene, will instantly recognize the name and know what they’re about to see. Our Accord of the Month for March is Brian Ruff’s Root Beer Metallic 2011 LX-S coupe. We’ve watched Brian start from the bottom (literally) and turn this car into an absolute beauty.
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